CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


To be performed in either order

Test 1 (AMRAP – Reps)


max unbroken pull-ups

200m run

score pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes

Test 2 (AMRAP – Reps)

At the 11:00


10 cal bike

10 burpee box jumps 24/20

Extra Credit

Push Press

4×5 climbing

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit



1 rep per minute

1-5: Front Squat (5×1 climbing OTM )

6-10: Back Squat (5×1 climbing OTM )


Part A (Weight)

6 minutes on the clock

stop sign run

with remaining time, find a 1RM squat clean

rest 4 minutes

Part B (Time)

Time Cap 6

(score working time)

8 squat cleans 185/125

stop sign run

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

A: Linda (Time)


Deadlift ,1.5 Body Weight

Bench Press, Body Weight

Clean, 3/4 Body Weight
For women, bodyweight deadlift, 3/4 bench, 1/2 for cleans.

B: Like Linda (Time)


Deadlifts 185/125

DDB bench press

power cleans 115/85

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

CFT Barbell Class

Snatch + Hang Snatch (2(1+2)@70% 1 RM Snatch, 2(1+2)@75, 2(1+1)@80)

Squat snatch plus hang snatch from above knee

Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk (2(2+2+2) @65% 1RM C&J,2(1+2+1) @ 70, 1+1+1@

Front Squat (3×3@70, 2×3@75)

Partner WOD

WOD (3 Rounds for time)

3 rounds in the 9:00

10 gymny complexes 🤔

20 synchro lunges

1 mile bike and 750m row, both athletes working


rx= knee raise+ straight leg raise+ burpee pull-up

rx+ =T2B+ C2B+ BMU

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Power Snatch ( Nine minutes to climb, weightlifter doubles)


3 RFT (Time)

400 m run

24 AKBS 70/53

200 m run

24 hand release push-ups

|don a vest 20/14|

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


WOD (5 Rounds for time)

5 rounds, on the 6:00

5 bench press, climbing from 135/75

10 cal row

15 sit ups

200m run

25 jumping air squats

Bench Press (Top set of 5)

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Work up in weight as form allows

Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (10 minutes to build )

3 push press into 2 push jerks into 1 pause split jerk ( pause in the dip and in the split)


5 RFT (Time)

10 |C2B| pull-ups

10 BBJ |30| 24/20

20 alt DB hang CJ 50/35

Time Cap 17

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


EMOMx10 skill work

A: Strict Dips (4-7 reps, band or load as needed )

B: Pull-ups (4-7 reps, band or load as needed )

Or B: Bar Muscle-ups (2-4 reps )


AMRAP 16 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

50 DUs

400m run (40 reps)

30 pushups

20 HPC 115/85

10 thrusters

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Stamina Squat

Select a wright up to 85% of front squat. You will perform both lifts in the same minute.


Front Squat (1 rep)

Back Squat (2 reps)


3 rft (Time)

27/21/15 cal

27 Wallballs 20/14

15 T2B or T2R

3 wall walks

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

CFT Barbell Class

Snatch Pull + dip snatch + snatch (2(1+1+1) @ 65, 2(1+1+1)@70, 2(1+1+1)@75)

Rest 90 seconds between sets.

Power Clean (3×2 @ 60, 1×2 @ 65, 70, 75)

Split squat

Rear foot elevated with 2KB/DBs, or a barbell on your back
2 DBs, 5 reps each leg

Partner WOD

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