CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Skill work
Rowing technique and the sprint start
A: Metcon (Calories)
Reverse tabata
:10 work, :20 rest x 8 (4 min)
Cal row
use the”Just row” setting and the main gym clock
Scaling note:
Select a weight that, when fresh, you can do 15+ unbroken
B: Death by Thruster (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Barbell 95/65
In the first minute, do 1 thruster
Do 2 in minute 2
Do 3 in the third
continuing until you cannot complete the work in the minute
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
EMOM 10 skills practice
1-2 movements
Focus on Strict movements, unless coach is working with you on kipping
Metcon (5 Rounds for distance)
5 rounds
1 min bike for distance
*Rest” 3 minutes
During the 4 “rest” intervals, please perform:
25 RKBS 53/35
12 t2b
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
BUY IN 50 WALLBALLS 20/14 (do not score)
12 DL 185/135
8 Burpees
At the 7 minute mark (7:00-8:00)
1 min max DU
Then pick up where you left off
At the 10 min mark (10:00-11:00)
1 min max Wallballs
B: Double-Unders (One min max reps)
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
One min wallballs
Extra Credit
D: Metcon (4 Rounds for distance)
4 x 1:30 on :30 rest
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Amrap 21
Buy in 2 mile bike, 1 athlete working at a time
Non-biking partner holds wall sit
10 HSPU or 20 hand release pushups
20 Synchro Alt. DB Snatch
30 Pullovers
40 Air Squats
5 Sandbag over yoke
Extra Credit
Snatch (Technique or heavy single)
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Bench Press (3×10 climbing)
WOD: Metcon (Calories)
14 minutes on the clock
Buy in 4 rounds
30 DUs or lateral bar hops
5 strict ring dips |high rings|
30 DUs or bar hops
5 C&J 155/105
And with remaining time:
Cal bike or row
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
A: Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (Using ~75% of PS across)
1 complex OTM for 10 minutes
B: Overhead Squat (Build to a challenging set of 4)
Extra Credit
Accessory work
3 round NFT
10(each leg) Bulgarian split squat
20 Russian twists (2 count)
10 (each arm) Single DB press
Notes: do the first set of split squats with just body weight. If comfortable and stable, you may add weight. For the Russian twists, you may use a med ball or KB. You can also start light and increase between rounds for both the presses and twists.
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Technique Work
Rope climb practice/technique
KB snatch technique
Metcon (Time)
Time cap 28
30 GHD sit ups or T2B
800 m Row /run or 1 mile bike
Directly into:
4 rounds:
40 KB snatch 35/25/(from hang, switching whenever)
30 Ab mat sit-ups
Directly into:
7 rounds
1 |legless| rope ascent
14/10 HR Push ups
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Barbell Cycling
Hang Power Clean (EMOM X 10, 2 reps)
For the first 5 minutes, use 70% of PC
If you are moving well, you may go up at min 6.
But do AT LEAST 2 doubles at your heaviest weight selected (2×2)
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
21 Deadlifts 135/95
21 burpees
Rest 4 min
15 Deadlifts 185/125
15 Box jumps or step ups
Rest 4 min
9 Deadlifts 225/155
9 Burpee box jumps
Extra Credit
E.C.: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Rest 4 min
6 DL 275/185
6 Burpee box jump OVERs
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
AMRAP 5, rest 5
You will work through 4 stations, in no particular order
One athlete will be working at a time, unless “synchro’ is indicated
20 cal row
40 lateral erg hops
30 air squats
60 DU
10 cal bike
20 synchro sit ups
10 synchro Alt DB snatch
20 HR pushups
Extra Credit
Hang Clean (Technique or heavy single )
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
A: CrossFit Games Open 12.1 (AMRAP – Reps)
7-Minute AMRAP of:
Burpees to a 6″ target
Rest 3 min
A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
9 Wallballs 20/14
9 |C2B|| pull-ups
9 Wallballs
9 Box jump overs 24/20
Extra Credit
3 rounds for completion, at a moderate pace
45 sec bicep curls
15 sec transition
45 sec (weighted) plank hold
15 sec transition
45 sec hip thrust
15 sec transition
45 sec Double DB bent over row
15 sec transition