CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

DON’T Forget! YOGA with Laurie begins at 9 AM tomorrow! Please join us if you can and stay for the 10 AM partner workout.


After our group warm-up, we will hit the workout first today.

Workout Of the Week

Helen (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups


Deadlift 4×8

Hang power clean 115/75 max reps unbroken

Keep moving, no extended pauses anywhere

Deadlift (4×8)

Hang Power Clean (115/75 for reps)

Extra Credit

Gymnastics practice: kip swing / handstand hold / hand walking progression / MU progression

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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