CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


A little different this Saturday… We have one partner workout and one benchmark work out. You may do either, or both.

A: Metcon (Time)


Part A:

2 Rounds

50 Double Unders (3:1)

20 Toes to Bar

20 Hang Power Clean 115/75

400m Run

part B: Row for meters.

At the call of 3, 2… 1… Go! One partner begins on the chipper while the other begins rowing. Once the first partner completes one round, the athletes switch. The second partner begins rowing while the first does round 2 of the chipper. Note your time after completing the second round. Continue rowing. After the two rounds are complete, athletes may switch as needed on the rower continuing for 14 minutes total.

SCORE 1 – Time to complete the 2 round chipper.

SCORE 2 – Total meters rowed.

B: Metcon (Distance)

Total partner calories Road in 14 minutes.

C: Nancy (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#
Nancy is the solo option

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757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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