CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Choose a weight up to 75%. You will use the same weight across all 7 lifts. This is weightlifting, so ideally we are looking for a full squat

Snatch (7×2 at 75% on the 1:30)


AMRAP 12 (AMRAP – Reps)

4 PS 115 |75/55

6 OH lunge

20 lateral bar hops

20 donkey kicks

CFT Barbell Class

Snatch Balance (3×3@75% 1RM snatch, 2×3@80%, 1×3@80+)

Clean + Hang Clean (2 (2+1) @ 65% 1RM clean, 2(2+1) @ 70, 2(1+1)@75)

Clean plus below the knee hang clean

Clean Pull (5×2 climbing, score top set)

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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