CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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Warm up to working weight, ~70-75%. You will do push jerk doubles at the same weight for the first 5 minutes, and for the final 5 minutes you will do singles at increasing weight. You may either stay with the push jerk, or switch to a split jerk.

1-5: Push Jerk (5×2 across OTM)

6-10: Push Jerk (5×1 climbing OTM)

6-10: Split Jerk (5×1 climbing)


Metcon (Time)

Two dumbbells, one athlete

4 RFT, time cap 16

20/16 row or 16/12 bike

20 alternating plank row

20 sit ups

10 HPC

10 S2OH

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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