CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


EMOM Snatch Complex: PS+HSS+OHS (10 Rounds for weight)

Begin at minute 1 and continue for 10 rounds. Perform 1 complex every minute of:

1 Power Snatch

1 Hang Squat Snatch

1 Overhead Squat

If you struggle with the squat snatch, then please do:

2 Power Snatches

2 Overhead Squats

Record weight for each round.


WOD (AMRAP – Reps)


3-6-9-12… Ascending

Thrusters, 95/65.

Pull up

Extra Credit

WOD (Checkmark)

EMOM x 5

3 chin up negatives (3-5 second descent)

5 rounds:

:20 hanging shrugs

10 bandedPVC lat pull downs

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757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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