CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


With a continuously running clock, workouts will begin at the zero, 15, and 25:00 marks. The bike or row may be done in either order, and everyone will do the Amrap from 15-20:00.

Bike (Calories)

4 rds

1:30 bike Sprint

Rest 1: 30

Rest until 15:00

Amrap 5 (AMRAP – Reps)


PS 95/65

Lateral burpees
Rest until 25:0

Row (Calories)

4 rds

1:30 Cal row

rest 1:30

CFT Run Club

We have a handful already signed up for the glass city half marathon in late April. If you are thinking about registering, do it!

Midweek run:

Please complete any time this

WOD (Checkmark)

0.5 miles. easy pace

1 mile temporun

1.5 mile easy pace.

you will complete 3 miles total. Only worry about the time during the temporun, and shoot for within one minute of your best 1 mile pace.

If instead, you would like to

1 mile Tempo run (Time)

Pushing the pace, but sub maximal

1-Mile Run (Time)

Max Effort 1-Mile Run

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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