CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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A: Bench Press (5X2 climbing)

B: Shoulder Press (2X5 climbing)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Amer of 12


8 T2B

8 ps 95/65

24 double unders

CFT Run Club

If you missed the 5 mile group run, please try to make it up by Wednesday.

Mid week run:

Run 1 mile at group long run pace (~10:00)(Grinders, wear a vest for this first one)

rest 2 minutes

Run 1 mile at target race pace

Rest 2 minutes

run 1 mile slightly faster than the previous one.

Weekend long run:

Plan is to meet at Nikki & Mickey’s place at 12:45 PM on Saturday, with run beginning at 1 PM. It will be a 10 K Loop through Wildwood and back. Hope to see you there!

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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