CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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CFT Update

On Wednesday, there will be no class at 6:15 PM. We have the CHAARG girls coming from bowling Green that evening.


A: Bench Press (5X3 climbing)

B: Shoulder Press (3X8 climbing)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Amrap 12

10/8 HR push-ups

16 sit ups

8 ps 95/65

24 double unders

CFT Run Club

Midweek run:

2 rounds

Run 2 miles

Rest 2 minutes

grinders: wear a vest for the first run

The goal: focus on pacing. Run the first 2 miles at a moderate pace. Run the second 2 miles exactly 30 seconds faster, or 1 minute faster if you wore a vest for the first run.

Weekend long run: we will be running 5.2 miles, including some hill training. Stay tuned for details…

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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