CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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If you have been doing the back squats the past several weeks, and the warm-up feels good, shoot for a #! PR. If you make it, then you may go for more but take the 1 pound PR first!

Back Squat (New 5RM)


Metcon (Time)

4 rounds on the 4:00

Score SLOWEST round

10 KB goblet reverse lunges

500 m/400 m row or 25/20 cal bike

20 KB snatch (switch whenever)

Extra Credit

CFT Run Club

Midweek workout:

5X 800 m on the 7:00

grit & grinders: Please wear a vest, and cut it to 4 800s

The goal is to run a consistent pace. Take the first 800 at a moderate effort, then try to run each additional one in the exact same time. Looking for fewer than 10 seconds differential between fastest and slowest runs.

This weekend’s group long run will most likely be Sunday afternoon. We will run for 45 minutes, location to be determined…

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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