CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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Bench press

5 at 60% of 1RM

5 at 70%

Bench Press (AMRAP at 80%)


A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

EMOM x 16

score A: minutes where work is fully completed

(max = 16)

score B: total calories

Min1: 5/4 strict pull-ups +

10/8 push-ups or 5 strict HSPU

Min2: 20 AKBS 53/35

Min3: 8 Burpee T2B

B: Metcon (Calories)

Min4: Full minute sprint bike or row

CFT Run Club

Hopefully you got through the 25 minute run, but if not try to do so in the next couple of days. You can sub a 25 minute moderate bike if your neighborhood roads are too icy. Sometime mid week, please do the following:

Run 1 mile at a moderate pace

Rest 5 minutes

Run 1 more mile, slightly faster but still not high intensity.

This coming weekend, the longer run will be 35 minutes. Hoping to put together a group run maybe Saturday afternoon depending on weather.

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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