CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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Metcon (6 Rounds for calories)

6 rounds, 3:00 of work, rest 3:00

Round 1:

18 PC 75/55

18 BF Burpees

Calorie bike or row with remaining time

round 2:

15 PC 95/65

15 BF Burpees

Calories with remaining time

Round 3:

12 PC 115/80

12 BF Burpee‘s

Calories with remaining time

Round 4:

9 PC 135/95

9 BF Burpees


Round 5:

6 @ 155/105, 6 BFB, calories

round 6:

3 @ 185/125, 3 BFB, cal

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757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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