CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Technique Work

10 minutes to warm up to working weight for both lifts. You will be using the same weight for all 5 sets. Set up 2 barbells. Partner up.


EMOM x 15

5 Rounds of :

Min 1: 4 Bench press (~ 80%)

Min 2: 4 Deadlifts (~80%)

Min 3: Rest

Bench Press (5×4 on the 3:00 min)

Deadlift (5×4 on the 3:00 min)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


100 double unders (250)

75 KB clean & Press 53/35

50 sit ups

25 Burpees

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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