CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


EMOM x 15

Choose 1, 2, or 3 movements/skills and pick a challenging rep scheme.

HSPU | T2B | Hand walking | MU | Kip Swings | Rope climbs | DU |

ring push-ups | jumping MU | roundoff back handspring double back layout with a full twist

Talk to your coach for suggestions or guidance.


Option A: partner up, one athlete working at a time

Option B: work alone for the first 30 seconds of each minute, resting for the final 30. Cut the repetitions in half (50-40-30-20-10).


Metcon (Time)


100 AKBS 53/35

80 Wallball shots 20/14

60 Pull ups

40 Push-up plus side plank

20 KB snatch 53/35

300 double unders (2:1)

RX+ sub dumbbell push-ups 30/20 for push-ups plus side plank or sub C2B for pull ups

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Sets of 6 at 60%, 65%, 70%, 75% and 80%

Back Squat (5×6)


Time CAP: 16 minutes-add one second for each uncompleted repetition.

Metcon (Time)

4 RFT:

500m Row

15 S2OH 115/75

15 BJ/Step up 24/20

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Snatch Push Press (5X5 increasing)

Behind the neck

Romanian Deadlift (5X 5 across)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Amrap 9

9 front squats 95/65

9 push-ups

50 m unequal farmer carry☝????

☝????️70/53 or 53/35 – Carry to one wall, then the other (2 reps), then return to barbell.

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Best time to practice skills ????????‍♂️
Sunday open gym


Grab a band, a lacrosse ball, a PVC, take care of your muscles and joints.


Get better at something. Learn something new.


Let’s do an EMOM‼️

Barbell complex: Pull + snatch + OHS (EMOM x 10)

Workout Of the Week


Find a buddy to met con with. Pick some movements and a rep scheme.

Amrap 10

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Partner Amrap 21


HSPU or wall walks

Ring Dips

KB Snatch 35/25

150m partner run after each round



At 1:00, please do 1 synchronized Burpees

At minute three, 3 Burpees

At minute five, 5 Burpees…

At minute 19, do the final 19

If the clock strikes an odd minute while out on your run, you may do your Burpee’s once you return to the gym.

SCORE = Rounds and Reps of HSPU, ring dips, and KB snatch. Ignore the Burpees and the runs for scoring purposes. E.g. If you complete the round of 13, and you finish 15 handstand push-ups and 7 Dips, your score = 13+ 22

Extra Credit


8 at 55%, 8 at 60%, 8 at 65%, 8 at 70%

Back Squat (8-8-8-8)

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Technique Work


Work up in weight in the following complex:

Barbell complex (Heavy)


Wod1: Burpee 30/30 (AMRAP – Reps)

10 rounds for reps:

30 seconds burpees

30 seconds rest

WOD 2: Annie (Time)


CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Happy birthday Q, whatever country you are in.

Fight Gone Bad (3 Rounds for reps)

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball Shots (Reps), 20#
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps), 75#
Box Jumps, 20″ (Reps)
Push-press (Reps), 75#
Row (Calories)
1-minute rest

Deadlift (8RM)

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


5X 60%, 5X 65%, 5X 70%, 5X 75%

Front Squat (4×5)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


20 HPC 95/65

40 lateral bar hops

60 sit ups

800m Run

100 DU

800m run

60 Donkey kicks

40 lateral bar hops

20 PS 95/65

Score = total reps. 800 m run = 80 reps. One full around = 500 reps. If you finish the 20 power snatches, start over with 20 hang power cleans.

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Happy birthday Jimmy!


OH Lunge 3×8 increasing

Strict Press 3×8 increasing

Overhead Lunge (8-8-8)

Strict Press (8-8-8)


Happy birthday Jimmy

Metcon (Time)

32 Push Presses 95/65

400m run

2 Rope Climbs (2×20′ sled pull (heavy))

32 Deadlifts 185/125

400m run

2 Bar MU (rope climbs or Burpee pull-ups)

TIME CAP – 10 minutes:

???????? if you do not complete the work out as prescribed, and your name is Jimmy, for every uncompleted bar muscle up, please do 100 Burpee’s

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Good luck in DC Kevin! We will miss you.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

155 | 105/75 – work together on the buy-in, then one athlete works at a time

Amrap 5

400 m partner run – 60 synchro AKBS 53/35

Deadlifts with remaining time

Rest 2 minutes

Amrap 5 (7:00)

400 m partner run – 40 synchro burpees

Hang power clean

Rest 2 minutes

Amrap 5 (14:00) – 60 synchro AKBS

400 m partner run


Rest 2 minutes

Amrap 5 (21:00)

400 m partner run – 40 Synchro Burpees

Clean & jerks

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