CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit CFT Barbell Class Hang Snatch (Above the knee- 3@60% 3@65% 2@70% 2×2 @75% 1@80(+)%) Power Clean + Dip Clean + Jerk (2(1+1+1)@70, 3(1+1+1) @ 75) Power clean from floor, dip squat clean, split jerk Clean Pull (2×3 @ 100% 1×3 @ 105%)
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Gymnastics WOD (AMRAP – Rounds) EMOM x10 3 HPC 135/95 + wall walk + HS hold (up to 30 seconds total) Conditioning Cap 20 (Time) Buy in: 2500/2k row (staggered start on the 10:00 for large classes) Directly into: |27|-21-15-9 push press 95/65 pull-ups
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Squat Warm up, and use 70% across of front squat EMOMx10 perform both lifts in the same minute A: Front Squat (10×3 OTM) B: Back Squat (In the same minute, 10×6 OTM) Conditioning 5 RFT (Time) 200m run 15 sit ups 10 calories 5 hspu Extra Credit WOD (Checkmark) 3 rounds:…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Wod Partner or Solo The Chief (AMRAP – Rounds) Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Cleans, 135#/95# 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1-minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Weightlifting A: Power Snatch (Heavy single for the day ) B: Barbell complex: PC+PJ+J (Build as comfortable ) Conditioning 6 RFT (Time) 150m run 12 lat bar hops 9 OHS 135 | 95/65 time cap 15 Extra Credit WOD (Checkmark) 3 sets 10-15 reps banded strict pull ups 3 rounds: 10…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Conditioning WOD (Time) 800m run 10 rounds 3 T2B 6 pushups 9 air squats 1 mile run Strength WOD (Checkmark) 3 rounds to failure, rest as needed DDB close grip bench press DDB seated press
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Gymnastics Ring Dips (EMOM x10 progression) Conditioning AMRAP 14 (AMRAP – Reps) 2-4-6-8-10… burpee pull-up PS 75/55 DDB 20 inch step overs
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength Shoulder Press (4×4 across) Conditioning WOD (Time) 2 RFT 50 sit ups 400 m run 30 deadlift 155/105 200 m run 10 pc Extra Credit WOD (Checkmark) For Tuesday or Wednesday: 3 rounds Max effort hold at top Rest :30 Max effort hold middle Rest :30 Max effort hold bottom…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength Paused Front Squat (5×2 climbing up to 90%) Conditioning Cap 14 (Time) 21-15-9 calories AKBS 53/35 wallballs 20/14 Double Unders
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Partner WOD WOD (Time) 200m partner run 20 Clean and Jerk 125/85 400m partner run 40 KB lunges 53/35 800m partner run 80 AKBS 400m partner run 40 KB lunges 200m partner run 20 Clean andJerk 125/85