CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit WOD Metcon (Time) For time, time cap 20 to begin final bike 1 mile bike 20 |C2B| pullups 10 S2OH 155/105 1K row 10 S2OH 20 |C2B| pullups ___ cap 20_______ 1 mile bike Strength Shoulder Press (5×4 climbing )

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Conditioning Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 20 #just show up! Accessory work 3 rounds for quality 10 reps of each across DDB seated strict press DDB bench press Bulgarian split squat

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit CFT Barbell Club Power Snatch (2×1@ 67, 71) Dip Power Clean + Push Jerk (Weight) 2(1+1)@70, 75 Clean Pull (Weight) 2in deficit 3×1@90% Partner WOD Metcon (Time) 20 Synchro power snatch 200m partner run 40 alt thrusters 400m partner run 60 AKBS Stop sign partner run 80 burpees 800m partner run…

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength Bench Press (5×5 across ~ 70% on the 1:30) WOD 2 rounds on the 8:00 Metcon (2 Rounds for time) 2 rounds Round 1 21 DL 135/95 15 HSPU or 21 HRPU 9 BJ 30/24 Stop sign run Rest until 8:00 Round 2 21 DL 225/155 15 HSPU or 21…

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Weightlifting 3-Position Power Snatch (Build as comfortable ) Mid thigh, knee, floor WOD Metcon (Time) 7 RFT, cap 14 7 OHS 95/65 14 lat bar hops 28 double unders

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Gymnastics EMOM x10 Submaximal strict pullups or strict toes to bar or progression WOD Metcon (4 Rounds for reps) AMRAP 3 200m run or 14/11 cal bike 12 DDB 20 inch step overs Score Alt single DB devils press with remaining time Rest 3 minutes X 4 rounds

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Barbell Cycling Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) EMOMx9 Minute 1: 2PC+S2OH Minute 2: 3PC+ 3S2OH Minute 3: 4PC+ 4S2OH Continuing to ascend Minute 9: 10+10 Select a light weight you can keep moving throughout Conditioning Metcon (Time) 12 minute conversational bike or row Extra Credit Metcon (Time) 300/250m row 20 GHD sit…

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength Shoulder Press (Daily 5rm) WOD Metcon (Time) 3-9-15-21 Thrusters 115 | 75/55 BURPEE PULLUPS Extra Credit Back Squat (20 reps at 64% + 5-10 lbs) A few pounds more than last week

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Partner WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for time) 5 rounds on the 6:00 150m partner run 12 alt. Front rack hold power cleans 9 synchro burpees over the bar 2×15/12/9 calorie relay The power cleans begin once both athletes have cleaned the barbell to the rack position. Athlete A then lowers the…

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit WOD Metcon (Time) 5 RFT cap 17 6 FS 135/95 4 lightweight alt. DB squat snatch 2 thrusters 135/95 24/20/16 calories Skill work Gymnastics skill work: muscle up progression 10 minutes to practice Ring lockout Transition False grip Muscle-ups

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