CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
Staggered start on the 3:00
35 synchronized GHD sit ups
35 alternating box jumps
35 (total) bike calories (both athletes working)
35 alternating Burpee‘s to a plate
35 (total) Row calorie (Both athletes working)
35 overhead squats (One athlete working at a time)
35 med ball L_sit Russian twist
35 synchronized lunges (bodyweight)
800 m run
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
CrossFit Games Open 14.4 (AMRAP – Reps)
14-Minute AMRAP:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes-To-Bars
40 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
30 Cleans, 135# / 95#
20 Muscle-ups
Snatch (Technique work, building as form allows)
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
10 minutes of skills practice
1 -2 movements
A: Bench Press (5×5 across at 77%)
or a few pounds more than last week
B: Sumo Deadlift (6×4 climbing)
Roll out, stretch, or spend some time on your biggest mobility needs.
Cool Down
Five minute easy spin on assault bike
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
Time cap 30
Buy in: 2400 m run or 3K row or 5/4 mile bike
8 rounds:
5 C2B pull-ups
9 goblet squats 53/35
Cash out: 50 Burpees
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Metcon (3 Rounds for calories)
54 double unders
27 deadlifts 95/65
27 hang power clean
Calorie bike/row with remaining time
Rest 4 minutes
42 double unders
21 Deadlifts 115/80
21 HPC
Cal bike/row
Rest 4 minutes
30 double unders
15 D L 135/95
15 HPC
Cal Bike/row
Extra Credit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Rest 4 minutes
DL 225/155
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Metcon (Calories)
Amrap 18
Buy in:
800m partner run
Directly into:
Synchro KB SDHP
Alternating sit ups
Power cleans 95/65
With remaining time:
Row/bike for calories
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
CFT enrichment: join us Saturday at 11 AM for a muscle up clinic!
Deadlift (5X4 climbing)
Metcon (Time)
10-1 reps for time, time cap 17
Thrusters 95/65
Lateral Burpees over the bar
Pull-ups |c2b or strict|
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
After General warm-up, 10 minutes of skills practice.
This can be done as an open practice, or a 10 minute EMOM
Talk to your coach for suggestions based on your goals.
A: Bench Press (5X5 across,~74% (or a few pounds over last week))
If sore from Tuesday extra credit, go lightter. You will get the same stimulus with a lower weight and the same rate of perceived exertion (RPE).
B: Bent Over Row (3X10 climbing)
Extra Credit
EC: Toes-To-Bar (Max unbroken)
Short pauses in the hang position are OK, but no extended rest. Keep moving. If you drop from the bar, you are done.
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
2 rounds Time cap 28
20 Double DB S20H (Athlete/coach choice of weight)
40 box jumps 24/20
60 walking lunges (bodyweight)
800 m run or 1000/800 m row or 1.5/1.2 mile bike
100 double unders (scale: 200 singles +10 Burpees)
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit
Technique Work
Barbell complex: 3 Snatch high pull + 2 HPS + OHS (EMOM X 10 across)
Select a light weight that you can move WELL. The goal is perfect form.
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time:
400 m run
10 PS + HSS 75/55
14 push-ups |RX+clapping|