CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


6 rounds, on the 5:00

Score fastest run and heaviest lift

400m Run (Time)

Max Effort 400m Run
6 sprints on the 5:00, score fastest

Deadlift (Remaining time in 5 min, TnG triple, climbing )

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


After general warmup and barbell warmup, 10 minutes on each lift to work up to a heavy single

Power Weightlifting Total (Total Weight)

Power Clean (1 Rep Max)
Hang Power Snatch (1 Rep Max)


Grace (Time)

For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


5 rounds for quality

9 GHD sit ups

9 GHD back extensions

3 back squats

1 mile bike

score best lift/mile.

Back Squat (5×3 climbing )

1-mile bike (Time)


CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

CFT Barbell Class

E2MOM (Weight)

Every 2 minutes for 10 rounds: 1 power clean and push jerk + 1 squat clean and split jerk, climbing. Use the same weight for both lifts.

Snatch Balance (3×2@75, 1×2@80, 1×2@85)

% based on 1rm snatch

Partner WOD

WOD (Time)

Buy in:

10 rounds

100 m run – one partner

other partner holds DL 225/155

(5 rounds each)


Stop sign run

60 BJ

60 synchro DB hang snatch

400 m partner run

40 BJ

40 synchro DB hang snatch

200 m partner run

20 BJ

20 synchro DB hang snatch

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Technique Work

Extended barbell warmup, and build in the snatch to heaviest anticipated barbell for the WOD.

CrossFit Games Open 13.1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

17-Minute AMRAP of:
40 Burpees to a 6″ target
30 Snatches, 75# / 45#
30 Burpees to a 6″ target
30 Snatches, 135# / 75#
20 Burpess to a 6″ target
30 Snatches, 165# / 100#
10 Burpees to a 6″ target
AMRAP Snatches 210# / 120#

Accessory work

WOD (Checkmark)

Partition as needed, for quality:

40 GHD hip extensions

40 strict dips

8 down and back overhead KB carry

|8 BMU|

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


WOD (Checkmark)

8 minutes on the clock

Upside down progression: wall walks, HS hold, HSPU, or HS walking


Time Cap 22 (Time)

1 mile bike

20 T2B or T2R

40 push press 45/35

60 barbell 20 inch step ups

40 pushpress

20 T2B or T2R

1 mile bike

at the 4,8,and 12:00

50 DUs

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Warm up WOD (Time)

99 Wallballs for Time, 20/14


Paused overhead squat (Build to a challenging load with a 5 second pause in the bottom)

Cool Down

Pick your pace (Time)

3K/2500 m row

At the 500, 1K, 1500, 2K, and 2500 ( men):

12 hand release or HS push-ups

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Push Jerk (6×2 climbing )

Accessory work

5 rounds on the 4:00 (5 Rounds for time)

20/16/12 calories

21 RKBS 53/35

12 pull-ups

Score working time

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Deadlift (6×3 on the 2:00, climbing from 40% )


Time Cap 15 (Time)


power clean 115/85


150m run after each round

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

CFT Barbell Class

Snatch (1×3@60, 1×2@65, 1×1@70, 1×3@65, 1×2@70, 1×1@75, 1×2@70, 1×1@80, 1×1@85)

Paused Front Squat (2×3 @ 75%
2×2 @ 80%
1×2 @ 85%)

Pause 2 seconds in bottom

Behind The Neck Jerk (5×2, climbing, do not exceed 85%)

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757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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