CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength Emom X 12 1-7: Clean (1 rep climbing from 60%) 8-12: Clean Pull (5×3 across at 100% of best clean) Conditioning WOD (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 14 50 DUs 40 situps 30 KB snatch 20 T2B/T2R/GHD situps 10 calKBsnatch from the hang, switching whenever double under scale: 40 singles +10…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength If you have done this lift the last couple of weeks, please progress to a barbell on your back. Score total load supported across both hands/back. Split squat (4×6 (each leg) climbing ) Rear foot elevated with 2KB/DBs, or a barbell on your back Conditioning WOD (Time) 7 RFT 6…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit CFT Barbell Class Snatch ((2×2)@60, (1×2) @65, (1×2) @70, (2×2)@65, (1×2)@70, (1×2)@75) Power Clean + Dip Clean (Weight) 2(2+2)@60, 2(1+2)@65, 2(1+1)@70 Tall Jerks (5×2 climbing)
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Weightlifting Power Snatch + Snatch (OTM x12 at 75% across ) Weightlifting style.drop and reset. Conditioning AMRAP 12 (AMRAP – Reps) 2-4-6-8… OHS 135|95/65 |strict| pull-ups
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit 4 rounds (4 Rounds for reps) Amrap 6 7 deadlifts, climbing 50/40/30 cal With remaining time, score: Burpee’s to a 6“ target Rest 2 minutes… Change weight. Deadlift (Score top set of 7)
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength/Skill EMOM x 10 Min2: Strict Dips (8 reps, band as needed) Conditioning Min1: Good Mornings (8 reps, climbing) AMRAP 13 (AMRAP – Reps) 61 double unders 13 DDB hang CJ 13 DDB FS 13 T2B or T2RDouble under scaling: for today, please do 50 single unders and 11 burpees. And…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength EMOM x15 1-5: Shoulder Press (4 reps, climbing ) 6-10: Push Press (3 reps, climbing ) 11-15: Push Jerk (2 reps, climbing ) Conditioning WOD (Time) 3 wall walks 7 PS 95/65 4 wall walks 16 thrusters 5 wall walks 25 CJ 4 wall walks 16 thrusters 3 wall walks…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength/Skill Split squat (5×6 climbing each leg) Rear foot elevated with 2KB/DBScore total load across both hands Conditioning WOD (Time) 100 20 inch weighted step ups 35/25 100 calories Time Cap 20
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit CFT Barbell Class Snatch (Build to heavy single. ) Clean and Jerk (Build to heavy single. ) Clean (Build to heavy single) Split Jerk (Build to heavy single. )
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Weightlifting Power Snatch + Snatch (EMOM x10 @ 70% across) WOD WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Death By Power Clean 135/95In minute 2, do one PC… in minute 2, do 2 PC continue to ascend until you can no longer complete the work during the minute