CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Yoga with Laurie, 4 PM Weightlifting After General warm-up, 10 minute C&J warm-up Then, every 30 seconds: 1 clean and jerk at 75% 24 lifts (12 min) Clean and Jerk (24×1) WOD Metcon (Time) 5 RFT 9 thrusters 135|95/65 9 Pullups |C2B| 9 HR Pushups ⌛️ YOU MAY ONLY WORK the…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Yoga will be Saturday’s at 9 AM and Tuesday’s at 4 PM – check it out, it’s free for members or a $10 drop-in fee for non-members Extra Credit Yoga begins at 9 AM Warm-up After group warm-up, the first partner workout begins about 20 after. The second workout begins at…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit DON’T Forget! YOGA with Laurie begins at 9 AM tomorrow! Please join us if you can and stay for the 10 AM partner workout. Warm-up After our group warm-up, we will hit the workout first today. Workout Of the Week Helen (Time) 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Weightlifting Work up in weight in the following complex: 2 snatch pulls + 2 hang power snatches + 2 hang snatches Between sets, a challenging but submaximal set of strict pull-ups. Band as needed. Metcon (Weight) Snatch complex WOD Metcon (Time) 15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: S2OH 165 | 115/75 T2B…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Skill/Strength Front Squat (4×10) WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Amrap 16 5 OHS135/95 10 DL 135/85 15 box jumps/ steps 24/20 20 lateral burpees
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strict Press (5 sets of 12 reps) 10 MIn EOMOM 12 Strict Press (50-65%) Calorie Row Guys 12-15 Calories Ladies 10-12 Calories Cool Down Metcon (Time) For Time 80 Double Unders 2 Power Snatches (135/95) 60 Double Unders 4 Power Snatches 40 Double Unders 6 Power Snatches 20 Double Unders 8…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Option A: partner up, run together, split the inside work. Option B: solo, do it all. Badger (Time) Three Rounds for time of: 30 ‘Squat’ Cleans, 95# 30 Pull-ups Run 800 metersIn honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq 11…
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Partner workout Amrap 26 4 rounds: 5:00 work 2:00 rest 1 DL lockout 225/155 | Calorie row 2 HS lockout | HSPU or WallBalls 3 bar hang | T2B 4 goblet squat | AKBS *each round begins with 400m partner run
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Gymnastics 3 rounds Tabata warm-up Pick 4 movements. WOD () Metcon (Time) 4 rounds for time 400 M run 10 shoulder to overhead 165/115/75 15 AKBS 53/35 Weightlifting Back Squat (1RM)
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Group Warm-up & Mobility General warm-up, Coach choice MOVEMENT PREP: C&J Weightlifting EMOM X 12 1-4: clean pull + power clean + S2OH 5-8: clean pull + clean + S2OH 9-12: C&J Start light, work up. Clean and Jerk (EMOM X 12) Metcon Your choice: WOD: Metcon (Time) 10-1 Burpees Pull…