CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Yoga with Laurie, 4 PM


After General warm-up, 10 minute C&J warm-up

Then, every 30 seconds:

1 clean and jerk at 75%

24 lifts (12 min)

Clean and Jerk (24×1)


Metcon (Time)


9 thrusters 135|95/65

9 Pullups |C2B|

9 HR Pushups

⌛️ YOU MAY ONLY WORK the first 30 of each minute. GO HARD when it’s time to work ‼️

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Yoga will be Saturday’s at 9 AM and Tuesday’s at 4 PM – check it out, it’s free for members or a $10 drop-in fee for non-members

Extra Credit

Yoga begins at 9 AM


After group warm-up, the first partner workout begins about 20 after. The second workout begins at about 40 past the hour. You are encouraged to work with a different partner for each.

A-: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


150 wall balls 20/14

50 DL 185/135

Power snatch 95/65 with remaining time

SCORE: Total snatches. You may switch whenever all throughout the workout.

B-: Metcon (Calories)

AMRAP 12 Each partner, working simultaneously, will complete:

50 DUs

20 T2B

20 HPC 115/75

400m run

With remaining time, ROW for calories, switching as needed.

Before the row, you do not need to work at the same pace, nor do you need to run together. First partner back begins on the rower. Switch whenever until time is up. Score total calories.

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

DON’T Forget! YOGA with Laurie begins at 9 AM tomorrow! Please join us if you can and stay for the 10 AM partner workout.


After our group warm-up, we will hit the workout first today.

Workout Of the Week

Helen (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups


Deadlift 4×8

Hang power clean 115/75 max reps unbroken

Keep moving, no extended pauses anywhere

Deadlift (4×8)

Hang Power Clean (115/75 for reps)

Extra Credit

Gymnastics practice: kip swing / handstand hold / hand walking progression / MU progression

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Work up in weight in the following complex:

2 snatch pulls +

2 hang power snatches +

2 hang snatches

Between sets, a challenging but submaximal set of strict pull-ups. Band as needed.

Metcon (Weight)

Snatch complex


Metcon (Time)

15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

S2OH 165 | 115/75


* after each round, Do EITHER 1 rope climb, 20 DUs OR 100m row

Workout Of the Week

We will do Helen tomorrow

3 RFT: 400m run, 21 AKBS, 12 pull-ups

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


Front Squat (4×10)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Amrap 16

5 OHS135/95

10 DL 135/85

15 box jumps/ steps 24/20

20 lateral burpees

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Strict Press (5 sets of 12 reps)


12 Strict Press (50-65%)

Calorie Row

Guys 12-15 Calories

Ladies 10-12 Calories

Cool Down

Metcon (Time)

For Time

80 Double Unders

2 Power Snatches (135/95)

60 Double Unders

4 Power Snatches

40 Double Unders

6 Power Snatches

20 Double Unders

8 Power Snatches

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Option A: partner up, run together, split the inside work.
Option B: solo, do it all.

Badger (Time)

Three Rounds for time of:

30 ‘Squat’ Cleans, 95#

30 Pull-ups

Run 800 meters
In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq 11 December 2007.
To learn more about Badger click here

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Partner workout

Amrap 26

4 rounds: 5:00 work 2:00 rest

1 DL lockout 225/155 | Calorie row

2 HS lockout | HSPU or WallBalls

3 bar hang | T2B

4 goblet squat | AKBS

*each round begins with 400m partner run

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit


3 rounds Tabata warm-up

Pick 4 movements.



Metcon (Time)

4 rounds for time

400 M run

10 shoulder to overhead 165/115/75

15 AKBS 53/35


Back Squat (1RM)

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Group Warm-up & Mobility

General warm-up, Coach choice




1-4: clean pull + power clean + S2OH

5-8: clean pull + clean + S2OH

9-12: C&J

Start light, work up.

Clean and Jerk (EMOM X 12)


Your choice:

WOD: Metcon (Time)



Pull ups

WOW: Fran (Time)

Thrusters, 95# / 65#

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