CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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EMOM x 10 climbing

Min1: Front Squat (2 reps)

Min2: Back Squat (4 reps)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Buy in: 1 mile run

With remaining time:

15 lateral bar hops

12 PC 95/65

9 BJO 24/20

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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A: Bench Press (5×3 climbing)

B: Bench Press (3×3 at 90% of A)


Metcon (Time)

55 S2OH 95/65

160/130/100 cal row/bike

Minutes 2, 4, 6, 8 &10:

25 double unders

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

EMOM X 16 each minute, please perform both:

5 Thrusters

5 pullups

RX 95/65

RX+ 135/95

Teens 14-15 75/55

Masters 50+ 75/55

Score rounds when all 10 reps are completed

Max = 16


4 rounds, Tabata style (8 minutes)

10 sec hollow hold

10 sec hollow rocks

Rest 10 sec

10 sec arch hold

10 sec arch rocks

Rest 10 sec

10 sec plank or HS Hold

10 sec SLOW push-up or HSPU

Rest 10

20 sec L Sit or isometric knee raise

Rest 10

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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EMOM x 12

1-3: 3 singles at 75%

4-6: 2 singles at 80%

7-12: Power Clean (Singles, climbing )


Metcon (Time)


Deadlift 185/125

Lateral burpees

Cash out: sandbag or wallball stop sign run
Time cap 14

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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A: Snatch (EMOMx10 across at ~80% 1RM)

For quality

B: Snatch (Heavy single )

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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Partner WOD

Metcon (Time)

Buy in 400 m barbell carry 95/65


Front squats


Alternating Burpee‘s

400 m partner run to complete each round

Extra Credit

Real functional fitness:

Thanks to the volunteers who will be available after the gym to help Erin move!

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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Push Jerk (Challenging double)


Metcon (Time)

Time cap 18

Stop sign run

30 HSPU or push press 95/65

60/45 cal row

30 HSPU or PP

1 mile bike

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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A: Deadlift (4X5 climbing)

B: Good Mornings (12-10-8 climbing)


WOD: Metcon (Time)

4 RFT, cap 17

20 KB SDHP 53/35

20 double unders

10 hang CJ (R)

20 double unders

10 hang CJ (L)

100 m run

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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Barbell complex: SC + HPC + FS (Build as form allows)


Metcon (Time)

Time capsule 12

60 thrusters 115/80

EMOM 4 BF Burpees

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

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Skill work


EMOM x 10

Muscle up progression

Skill work


Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

4 rounds, on the 5:00

20 box jump overs 24/20

16/13/10 cal row/bike

12 hand release push-ups

8 hang power snatch 95/65

40H lunge

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